The Best Is Often Reserved By God

David was not only played down but played out by those who owed him their love.

The father forgot him.

And what if it was a game of chance and that being present at the meeting where the kingship was being determined was the only deciding factor? He would have been played out.

He was despised.

His special qualities resembled a curse.

This was a reflection of how he was treated at home. The last born is usually everyone’s treasure but this was not the case with him.

It was a foreshadow of Christ Himself: the stone the builders rejected.

It was rejected for the very reason it fitted the head of the corner.

It was special.

Samuel pours the oil on the head of David and in a matter of days, what he carried connected him to the throne.

What God put in you will lead you in the right direction.

Joseph was bought by Portiphar, one of Pharaoh’s officers who lived in the precinct of the palace.

The prison was even closer to Pharaoh’s home!

When you are in God’s plan, your rejections, betrayals, disappointments and heartaches bring you closer to your ordained destination.

The anointing in you is a cure for many.

The adversity increases the potency of the cures you will bring to many people.

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